We’re looking for a postdoc!

The Crawford Lab anticipates hiring a postdoctoral researcher in plant-microbe interactions in the Department of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Houston.

The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research on an NSF-funded project testing how climate influences plant-soil feedback in native Texas grasslands. This work will include both greenhouse and field experiments, as well as next-generation sequencing of soil communities. In addition to this project, the postdoctoral researcher will be encouraged to develop their own ideas and projects on plant-microbe interactions.

Candidates must have a PhD in ecology or a related field and experience conducting research with plants and/or microbes. Other important qualifications are a background in statistical methods, a strong work ethic, problem-solving and time management skills, and a track record of publications. A background in managing large field experiments and experience with molecular techniques and bioinformatics is desirable.

This is a one year position with an expectation for renewal provided satisfactory performance. The start date is flexible, but an ideal candidate would be able to start in Spring or Summer 2019.

To apply, please send your CV (including contact information for 3 references) along with a short description of your previous research experience and your interest in this position to Dr. Kerri Crawford (kmcrawford3@uh.edu). Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until filled.

***I will be at ESA. Please contact me if you would like to chat during the meeting.

UH National Commercial

Digital advertising is a great way to introduce new people to your products or services. Before you set up a digital advertising campaign, make sure that you have proper tracking placed on your website so that you can collect data on customer activity and measure performance. The more you can learn about your customers, the better you will be able to provide them with services and products they need. There are a few different options when choosing how to advertise online. Considering these different choices can help you create a specific digital advertising plan that works for your company.

Leveraging social media to promote your business can help improve your brand personality, engage with customers and communicate product benefits or offers. Through social media, you can make announcements, interact with customers and advertise deals without hiring a web development team. Many social media platforms now offer marketplaces on their platform where transactions can occur without leaving the app.

Start by creating a profile (account) for your business, choosing words carefully to describe your business. Stay active by posting often and answering consumer’s questions quickly. This will help them begin to trust and believe in your brand. Other tips to keep in mind:

Decide how often you want to post. If you post too frequently you may risk becoming a nuisance, while not posting enough can make your audience lose interest. To begin, try posting weekly. Use SocialBoosting to get more engagement in your content to have a bigger audience, If people are liking and engaging with your posts, begin to post more often.
Consider your brand’s voice, or the type of words you use to connect with your customers. Is it authentic, friendly, formal, down-to-earth or business-like? Keep it consistent and make sure it lines up with how you talk about your company on other platforms. Create a dialogue with customers by sharing your knowledge, asking for opinions and posting responses to others’ ideas and comments.

Lots to Celebrate

To celebrate the end of a productive semester, the lab headed out for pizza and beer. A few of the things we’re celebrating:

  • Lots of exciting new projects for Hannah and Noah
  • Anna’s submission of her first manuscript
  • Amazing undergrad research conducted by Laura and Luis
  • Luis’s graduation + job offers
  • Scott’s graduation + his decision to stick around for a PhD with us
  • Sandy’s election as a senator in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Hoang’s publications
  • Huda and Hannah winning prizes for their presentations
  • New faces in the lab joining us this summer
  • And much, much more!


NSF Grant Awarded

Thanks to NSF, the Crawford Lab will be starting a new project! For the next four years, we will be investigating how climate influences plant-soil feedback using a variety of experiments in the lab and field. We’re excited to discover how abiotic variation across space and time can influence plant community structure through alterations in plant-microbe interactions. This also means that we will be looking to hire new personnel to help with the project. If you are looking for a technician position or a postdoc position and think this project sounds fun, please contact Kerri.

For more on the project, click here.


Congratulations, Hannah!

Congrats to Hannah for winning the Distinguished Graduate/Professional Student Leader Award for her service to the Graduate and Professional Student Association! Not only is Hannah an amazing ecologist, she’s an excellent leader.

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Welcome to the lab!

Time flies when you are having fun! In the first of a series of catch-up posts, I’d like to welcome Noah Luecke to the lab. Noah joined the lab as a Ph.D. student this past fall. In his first year, he has started lots of fun experiments looking at how soil microbes influence plants. We’re looking forward to the results!



Happy Summer!

The lab recently got together to celebrate the end of the semester and our graduating lab members! Along with Anna Hawkins (Master’s Student), we have some undergraduates that are also leaving: Yash Desi and Tran Mai. Yash and Tran have been with the Crawford Lab since Kerri started at UH, and they will be greatly missed!


To kick off the summer Kerri and Hannah are headed to Michigan to check on the project up north, and we are working on getting the sample processing procedures set for our recent Plant Genomics project.

A Master of Science!

CaptureOn Thursday, April 13th, our very own Anna Hawkins defended her Master’s Thesis titled “Effects of water availability on plant coexistence through altered plant-microbe interactions”. In her talk, Anna explained her two experiments regarding plant-soil feedback and water availability. After a round of questioning from her committee, she completed the task marvelously, and passed her examination. We are so excited for her, proud of her, and looking forward to seeing where she goes next armed with her degree of Master of Science!


Keep an eye out for some great new papers in the field of plant-soil feedback and climate change to come as a result of Anna’s strong experiments!


Congratulations to our current and former lab technicians!  Our current tech, Michelle Busch, was awarded an honorable mention during this year’s NSF GRFP competition.  Our former tech, Heather Slinn was awarded a prestigious fellowship.  Must be the luck o’ the Irish on this St. Patrick’s Day!  Now to find some green beverages (maybe just green tea) to celebrate…